Pumice -Soil Ninja (2.5l, 1.0l, coarse or fine)

from £4.50

Available to buy from both our stores but our Church street shop has a wider selection

Pumice is a volcanic material which has expanded in extremely high heat, then ground down into beautiful chunky rocks.

Pumice is a much denser aerator than perlite, so as well as packing your soil with oxygen, it won’t float to the top of the pot with each watering! This keeps the air chambers consistently spaced throughout the mix even after many waterings. Its porous nature also means minerals and nutrients can be stored in the pumice, to surprise your plant with a nutritious oasis once their roots find their way to the rock.

Available in both Fine and Coarse grade, it’s best to match the thickness of the roots to the pumice. Those with finer roots will prefer to wrap around the finer rocks, whilst thicker roots would prefer a chunkier surface area.

Available in Fine and Coarse 1.0litre & 2.5litre bags

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