Philodendron sp. 'Fuzzy petiole'

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Philodendron sp. 'Fuzzy Petiole' is truly a collector's aroid. It's thought to be a specific form of P. nangaritense, but the jury is still out! Native to the rainforests of Ecuador, this aroid has beautiful bright green leaves that are velvety. The plant is mainly grown for its petioles (the stalk that connects leaf to stem). The petiole is covered in a fine fuzz that becomes more pronounced and vibrantly red as it matures. A beautiful addition to any plant collection.

RATING- Moderate

LOVES- Bright indirect light- direct sun will scorch the leaves! When re-potting use a peat free soil with perlite.

HATES- Overwatering- water when the top 2-3 inches of soil dry out. Avoid leaving your plant sitting in water

Pot diameter- 12cm

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